
You are currently browsing articles tagged trivia.

Here it is!

Things that surprised me:

  • I talk constantly in real life, but I know I was pumping up the dead air, because I stare silently into space when I really concentrate.
  • How tricky this game was because you didn’t know if a name was an actor or character.
  • That I was lucky enough to get a question that made me think of my friends’ cat. Her name is Elliot, the cat, not the friend. The friends are Becca of This Week in Ladies and Panels, and her awesome husband of the Chandler Bing School of Hilarity (but taken down 5 notches, so pretty great).
  • How fast it goes.
  • How scary it is while also being a complete blast.

Apropos of nothing:

  • After I’m told the answer is “Penny Dreadful” I say something like “ohhh, Victorian London” which results in an “ummmm, yeah” type response. I said it because that was in my study material. I went over key words and synopses of shows I don’t watch. That was one of them. It didn’t help. 🙂

I wish I’d:

  • Prepared a sign off. I think I was relying on my quick wit, which was on a mini break.

I’m super excited for:

  • Listening to the show with my colleagues. One said, “We’re finally going to listen to it! Not just listen to it through your yelling!” (They’re awesomely tolerant of what we call “Podcast Tuesdays.” When I get to work I’m usually just getting to Game Time, so I sit at my desk in our shared workspace and yell at the contestants the way I know many of you were yelling at me.)
  • My Extra Credit and mini topic!

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and never use it. I should give myself an ultimatum, but eh.

I am posting today about THIS

I’m on it!


All I can say now is that it exists and you can hear it on Tuesday and then maybe I’ll pop back here and say some things about what it was like.

It will be up here:

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