
You are currently browsing articles tagged toto.

This morning’s Questionable Content prompted me to head to YouTube for a Toto fix. I had completely forgotten that the video was set in a library, and that the band played on a stage made of giant books. I started to think about other music videos that were shot in the library.

I <3 the TfF one, it's just so ridiculous(ly fantastic)! What is it about 80's videos and awesomeness/librariness? Africa - Toto U Can't Touch This - Glee Cast

Everytime we Touch – Cascada

Cascada – Everytime We Touch (Video)
Uploaded by julixyde. – See the latest featured music videos.

Head Over Heels – Tears for Fears*

Tears For Fears – Head Over Heels
Uploaded by manon42. – See the latest featured music videos.

Marian the Librarian – The Music Man (Robert Preston and Shirley Jones)
It’s not technically a music video, but it’s music and on video (well, film) so . . .
I *love* the long pause on the Indiana State Educational Journal; ye gods! that’s subtle.

and of course . . .

Librarians do Gaga – Librarians of the Future (UW iSchool)

*BONUS! The literal version of Head Over Heels

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